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Mobile POS for Wix Stores

Wix Stores POS: Selling Products at a Mobile Point of Sale


  • This article is about Wix Mobile POS for mobile phones.

  • For info on Wix Retail POS for brick and mortar stores, click here.

Make your phone a point of sale so customers can buy your store products no matter where you are. Your Wix Stores inventory gets updated automatically. If you also use Wix Bookings, you can book appointments and add them to the sale.

Stripe Reader M2 next to a cell phone

What can't be sold at a mobile POS:

Step 1 | Set up POS on the Wix app

To use your mobile device as a POS, you must first download the Wix app. After the download, you can start accepting cash payments right away.

To accept credit card payments, you need to do one or both of the following:


Make sure you understand how tax collection works at a point of sale.

Step 2 | Add items to the cart

Start by adding the relevant store products to the cart. You can also add a charge of a specific amount of money in addition to (or instead of) your store products. If you also use Wix Bookings on your site, you can book appointments in addition to other items.

To add products, services, or a custom amount:

  1. Go to your site in the Wix app.

  2. Tap Manage  at the bottom.

  3. Scroll down to the Get Paid section and tap Point of Sale.

  4. Select what you want to add to the cart:

Add store products

  1. Locate the products you want to add to cart using any of these methods:Enter a search term.
    Scan the product's barcode.
    Note: To work your SKU must be the barcode number.
    Tap All Products to search in a category.
    Scroll through your products.

  2. Tap to select the products and variants you want to sell.

  3. Tap Go to Cart.

Add a custom charge

  1. Add a custom amount to the sale:Tap Add Custom Amount.
    Enter the amount, including cents.
    (Optional) Tap Add Note and enter information about the sale.
    Tip:  Note can only be viewed on invoices.
    Tap Apply.

  2. Tap Go to Cart.

Add Wix Bookings services

If you also use Wix Bookings, you can go to the Services tab and add booking services to the cart.

Screenshot of the Wix mobile POS screen with the Wix Bookings services tab outlined

Learn how to add Wix Bookings services to the cart.

Step 3 | (Optional) Add a discount or redeem a coupon

You can offer customers a price reduction in 2 ways. If you created coupons, you can allow customers to redeem a coupon at checkout. Alternatively, you can add a discount to a specific product or to the entire sale.


You cannot add a discount and apply a coupon to the same sale.

To add a discount or coupon:

  1. Select a price reduction option:
    Let a customer redeem a coupon:Tap Redeem a Coupon.
    Enter the code or tap Choose from the coupon list, select it, and tap Done.
    Tap Apply.

    Add a Discount to the entire cart:Tap Add a Discount:

    Select a discount option:Percentage discount: Tap %, enter the percentage, and tap Apply.
    Price discount: Tap $, enter the amount and tap Apply.

    Add a discount to a product:Tap a product and select Add Item Discount.

    Select a discount option:Percentage discount: Tap %, enter the percentage, add a note (optional), and tap Apply.
    Price discount: Tap $, enter the amount, add a note (optional), and tap Apply.

Step 4 | (Optional) Add a customer

You can assign an existing customer to the sale or add a new one.


If you add a Wix Bookings service to the order, you must add a customer to the sale.

To add a customer:

  1. Tap the More Actions icon  in the top right corner.

  2. Select Add Customer.

  3. Add a customer:Select an existing customer.
    Tap +Add New Contact to enter the new customer's details, then tap Save.

Step 5 | Process payment

Now you can proceed to checkout and select how you want to be paid.

To process payment for the order:

  1. Tap Charge.

  2. Select cash or the credit card payment option you set up:


  1. Tap Cash.

  2. Select or enter the amount received from the customer.

  3. Give your customer the change.
    Tip: The amount appears on the screen.

  4. Choose what you want to do:
    Tap Send Receipt:Email receipt: Confirm the email and name and then tap Send Receipt.
    Text receipt: Confirm the phone number is correct and then tap Text Receipt.
    Print receipt:
    If you set up a printer, tap to print a receipt.
    Tap No Receipt.


Accept credit/debit card payment using a card reader via Wix Payments.

  1. Tap Card.

  2. If prompted, tap to select the relevant Tip amount, or tap No Tip
    Note: Learn how to enabled tipping.

  3. Let the customer swipe, insert, or tap their credit card.

  4. Choose what you want to do:
    Tap Send Receipt:Email receipt: Confirm the email and name and then tap Send Receipt.
    Text receipt: Confirm the phone number is correct and then tap Text Receipt.
    Print receipt:
    If you set up a printer, tap to print a receipt.
    Tap No Receipt.

Manual card entry

The option of manually entering card details is open to merchants using a payment provider that allows manual card entry payments.

Important: Entering credit card details manually is the least secure way of accepting card payments. We recommend accepting manual payment only from buyers you trust. Note that in case of fraud, it is the merchant who is liable. Learn more

  1. Tap Manual card entry.

  2. If prompted, tap to select the relevant Tip amount, or tap No Tip
    Note: Learn how to enabled tipping.

  3. Enter all the credit card details and tap Next.

  4. Choose what you want to do:
    Tap Send Receipt:Email receipt: Confirm the email and name and then tap Send Receipt.
    Text receipt: Confirm the phone number is correct and then tap Text Receipt.
    Print receipt:
    If you set up a printer, tap to print a receipt.
    Tap No Receipt.

Note: Wix Payments processing fees for manual card entry are the same as for other card payments.

(US Only) Tap to Pay

After setting up Tap to Pay, you can use your phone as a card reader.

To accept payment using tap to pay:

  1. Select Card.

  2. If prompted, tap to select the relevant Tip amount, or tap No Tip
    Note: Learn how to enabled tipping.

  3. If prompted, select Tap to Pay.

  4. Let the customer tap their credit card on your mobile device.

  5. Choose what you want to do:
    Tap Send Receipt:Email receipt: Confirm the email and name and then tap Send Receipt.
    Text receipt: Confirm the phone number is correct and then tap Text Receipt.
    Print receipt:
    If you set up a printer, tap to print a receipt.
    Tap No Receipt.

Gift card

If you sell virtual Gift Cards on your site or physical gift cards at your POS, you can allow customers to redeem the cards when making purchases.

Tip: If the price of the sale is worth more than the value of the card, customers can pay for the remaining cost using any other payment method.

To accept gift card payment:

  1. Tap Gift card.

  2. Enter your customer's gift card code or scan their physical gift card and tap Apply.
    Note: Only merchants using Retail POS can redeem physical gift cards.

  3. Tap Complete Sale.

  4. (Optional) Do one or more of the following:
    Send a receipt:Tap Send Receipt.

    Select how you send the receipt:Tap Print Receipt: This option is available if you connected a printer.
    Tap Email Receipt, enter the email address if prompted, and tap Send.
    Tap Text Receipt, enter the phone number, including country code, and tap Text Receipt. (US & Canada only)
    Do not send a receipt: Tap No Receipt.

Split payment

  1. Tap Split Payment.

  2. Collect the first payment:Enter the first payment amount or tap Split into equal payments and select the number of payments.
    Tap Continue.
    Tap Cash, Card, or Manual card entry and follow the relevant steps above to complete the first payment.

  3. Select an option:
    Collect an additional payment(s):Tap Continue.
    Process 1 or more additional payments.
    Mark the order as Partially Paid: Tap Mark as Partially Paid.

Save order and charge later

With this option, you can create an unpaid order which is added to the Orders tab. When you're ready, you can accept payment on mobile, from the Wix dashboard, or at a Retail point of sale.

To save your order, simply tap Save order and charge later.

Step 6 | (Optional) Send a receipt

You can optionally send your customer a receipt by email or text message. Note that the receipt text and design cannot be customized.

Sending an invoice after the sale:

To send a new customer an invoice after the sale, you must first send an email receipt.

To send a receipt:

  1. Tap Send Receipt.

  2. Select an option:
    Email a receipt:Tap Email receipt.
    Enter the customer's email address.
    Note: Email addresses are needed if you want to generate an invoice later.
    Enter the customer's name.
    Tap Send Receipt.

    Send a text receipt (US & Canada only):Tap Text receipt.
    Enter the phone number.
    Tap Text Receipt.


You can send (or resend) a receipt later from the Orders tab by selecting the order, tapping the More Actions icon  at the top right, and selecting Send email receipt.


How can I remove an item or all items from the cart?

You can tap an item to remove it or change the quantity. To remove all the items in the cart tap the More Actions icon  and then Clear Cart.

Is there a way to sell only certain products at my point of sale?

Yes. To make it convenient to sell only certain products at your point of sale, create a POS category. Then, when making a sale, save time by selecting only from products in that category.

How can I send (or resend) my client a receipt at a later date?

You can send (or resend) a receipt later from the Orders tab.

  1. Tap Manage  at the bottom.

  2. Select Orders.

  3. Select the relevant order.

  4. Tap the More Actions icon  at the top right.

  5. Selecting Email receipt.

Can I customize receipts?

Yes, you can add your company logo, display your return policy, and more. Learn how to customize Mobile POS receipts.

I'm using Square as my payment provider. How can I charge for a order?

  1. Tap Charge in the Cart.

  2. Tap Open Square.

  3. Read the customer's credit in any of the following ways:Swipe
    Manually enter your client's credit card number.
    Note: When you enter the credit card number manually, Square charges a higher processing fee.

  4. Tap Open.

  5. Ask for the customers' signature.

I'm using SumUp as my payment provider. How can I charge for a order?

  1. Tap Charge in the Cart.

  2. Tap Card.

  3. Tap SumUp.

  4. Log in to your SumUp account.

  5. Read the customer's credit card in any of the following ways:Tap

  6. Ask for the customer's signature.


If new products you added on desktop are not appearing right away on mobile or if some of the product information isn't loading properly, try the steps below.

Step 1 | Refresh the screen

To refresh the product list, pull down on the screen. The Refresh icon  indicates that the screen is refreshing.

Step 2 | Reload the screen

  1. Tap the More Actions icon  at the top right.

  2. Tap POS Help & Troubleshooting.

  3. Tap Reload Catalog.

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