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Wix Mobile POS

Wix Mobile POS: Letting Staff Members Accept Payments


  • This article is about Wix Mobile POS for mobile phones.

  • For info on Wix Retail POS for brick and mortar stores, click here.

Let people who work for you collect payment for products, services, or ticket sales using their own mobile devices.

Before you begin:

  • Make sure your staff member downloads the Wix app.

  • A card reader cannot be connected to 2 mobile devices at once. To accept card payments, disconnect the card reader from your phone and connect it to another phone or purchase and connect an additional card reader.

Roles & permissions for mobile POS

You can invite staff members to your site and assign them roles which allows them to collect payment. Review the table below to see which roles match your business needs.


Each role comes with a variety of permissions. Make sure you understand what permissions you are granting a staff member when assigning someone a role.



Admin (Co-Owner)

This permission alone lets collaborators accept mobile POS payments for Wix Stores, Wix Bookings, Wix Events and Pricing Plans.

Back Office Manager

+ Payments Admin

These 2 permissions together let collaborators accept mobile POS payments for Wix Stores, Wix Bookings, Wix Events and Pricing Plans.

Store Manager +

Payments Admin

These 2 permissions together let collaborators accept mobile POS payments for Wix Stores.

Store Manager

(limited access) +

Payments Admin

These 2 permissions together let collaborators accept mobile POS payments for Wix Stores, but give the staff member less access to other store functions.

To give someone Store Manager (limited access) permission, you must create a custom role.


Works with Wix Stores only. This permission lets collaborators accept mobile POS payments. Does not allow access to any other payment or site functions.

Bookings Staff

Member + Payments


These 2 permissions together let collaborators accept mobile POS payments for Wix Bookings.

Payments Admin

+ Custom Role

You can give someone permission to sell pricing plans using the Wix app without access to other parts of your site.

This requires creating a custom role. When setting it up, click Pricing Plans and select both roles.

Assigning a role

You can assign a role from your site's dashboard.

To assign a role:

  1. Go to Roles & Permissions in your site's dashboard.

  2. Click + Invite People.

  3. Enter the person's email address.
    Tip: To add multiple people, enter each email separated by a comma.

  4. Select the checkbox(es) next to the relevant role(s).

  5. (Optional) Add custom permissions.

  6. Click Send Invite.

What happens next?

The person you invite receives an invitation by email and must accept the invitation.

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