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Sending invoices & price quotes

Wix Invoices & Price Quotes: Changing Your Initial Document Number

The number automatically assigned to your first invoice and price quote is 0000001. You can update the number if you want to count or label invoices and price quotes another way.


After creating your first invoice or price quote, you cannot replace the number you originally set with a lower number.

A screenshot of the Invoices tab of Invoices & Quotes Settings

To change your initial document number:

  1. Go to Settings in your site's dashboard.

  2. Click Getting paid under Finance and Payments.

  3. Choose whether you want to change the number of an invoice or price quote:

Invoice document number

  1. Click the Invoices tab.

  2. Click Header details.

  3. Click Edit invoice numbering in the Document name and number section.

  4. Enter the number you wish to use in the Start numbering at field.

  5. Click Done.

Price Quote document number

  1. Click the Price Quotes tab.

  2. Click the Edit icon  in the Price quote numbering section.

  3. Enter the number you wish to use in the Start numbering at field.

  4. Click Save.

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