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Sending invoices & price quotes

Wix Invoices: Creating an Invoice

Don't have a Wix account?

Create invoices quickly and easily with the Wix Invoice Generator. Using this tool is completely free of charge and doesn't require any registration.

Use Wix Invoices to streamline your billing process. Generate, send, and track invoices, and process the payments through Wix. You can personalize your invoices with discounts, deposits, taxes, etc., and email them to customers who can view and pay them through a custom link.


This article refers to the Wix Invoices feature. If you are looking for your invoices for payments you made to Wix, click here.

A screenshot of an invoice preview.

Before you begin:

In order to accept payments from clients in Wix Invoices, you must set up a payment method. If you've already set up a payment method (e.g. for Wix Stores, Wix Bookings or Wix Events) you do not need to set one up again.

To set up a payment method, go to Invoices in your site's dashboard, click More Actions at the top right and click Accept payments.

Creating an invoice

Create an invoice from your site's dashboard or directly from your phone with the Wix app. The invoice should include all the information your client needs to make a payment.

Set up your basic business info:

Your basic business info (e.g. business name, email and logo) appears on every invoice that you send. If you're creating an invoice for the first time, you'll be asked to start by entering this info. You can always customize this info again at a later stage.


Wix App

  1. Go to Invoices in your site's dashboard.

  2. (First time only) Provide your basic business info, as you want it to appear on your invoices:
    Click Get Started and enter:(Optional) Business name: Enter the name of your business.
    Business email address: Enter your business email address.
    (Optional) Your logo: Upload your business logo.
    Click Add & Continue.

  3. Click Create New at the top right and select Invoice.
    Note: Click Invoice & Order to automatically generate a Wix Stores order when the invoice is paid.

  4. Enter the general details for this invoice:Issue Date: Select the issue date you'd like to include.
    Due Date: Select the date payment is due by.
    Customer: Click the drop-down to select a contact from your Contact List.
    Invoice Title: Enter a title to clearly summarize the reason for payment.

  5. Enter the product/service details for this invoice:Click the Add an item drop-down and select the relevant product or service.
    Tip: Select + Add New if you need to create an invoice for a new item. Then enter the details and click Save & Add.
    (Optional) Enter a description in the Write a description field.
    (Optional) Click + Add Line Item to add another product or service.

A screenshot of the Add an item drop-down menu.

  1. Enter the cost details for this invoice:Quantity: Enter the quantity of the product or service.
    Price: Enter the price per unit.

    (Optional) Click + Add Tax to add tax.
    Note: You can create a new tax rate or add an existing one.Hover over the tooltip next to Taxes and click Set tax calculations here
    A screenshot showing how to set tax calculation and display when creating new invoices.Then select whether you want to Exclude tax from item price or Include tax in the item's price.
    Click Save
    A screenshot showing the options to incliude or exclude tax from an item's price when creating a new invoice.Repeat steps i-iii above for each item on the new invoice.
    (Optional) Click + Add Discount to apply a percentage discount to the total amount.
    (Optional) Click + Request Deposit to request a partial payment up front. Learn more about requesting a deposit.

  2. (Optional) Enter any notes or terms you'd like your customer to be aware of in the Notes and Terms fields.

  3. Choose to preview, save or send your invoice:Preview: Click the Preview icon  at the top right to see the invoice your customer will receive.
    Save: Click Save & Close at the top right to save the invoice to send at a later time.
    Send: Click Send Invoice at the top right to first review or edit the content of the email your customer will receive. Click Send when you're ready to send.


You can also convert price quotes into invoices rather than creating an invoice from scratch.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Can I set up recurring invoices?

Yes, you can choose to invoice customers weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or yearly. Learn more about setting up recurring invoices.

Does Wix invoices work with other Wix apps?

Yes, you can use Wix Invoices with many Wix apps. Learn more about using Wix Invoices with Wix Stores, Pricing Plans and Wix Events.

Can I automate my invoicing process?

Yes, Wix Invoices is integrated with Wix Automations. By combining these two features, you can create an automation that sends an email to your client every time an invoice is sent, paid, or overdue.

How are invoice numbers sequenced?

The number automatically assigned to your first invoice is 0000001, after that each invoice number is unique and increases by 1 with each new invoice. You can edit your initial invoice number to ensure consistency with your existing numbering system or to meet specific accounting or regulatory requirements.

Note: It is not possible to reset the invoice number, however you can vote for this feature.

Can I create a tax-exempt invoice for specific customers?

When setting up Wix Invoices, you also need to set up tax types for your invoices. You can create a tax type called "Tax-exempt" and set the rate to 0%. Then when you're creating an invoice for your tax-exempt customer, simply select that tax type.

Can I add a VAT ID to an invoice?

Currently, Wix Invoices does not come with a VAT ID field. You can add it manually as a custom field using the steps below.

  1. Create a custom field in Contacts and label it VAT ID.

  2. In Contacts, add this ID to the relevant customer:Click on the contact and click Edit.
    Enter the VAT ID in your newly created custom field.
    Click Save.

Can I send an invoice to more than one customer?

When creating an invoice, you're only able to add one customer to the invoice itself. However, you can download a PDF version of the invoice and manually send it to additional emails, or send a direct link to the invoice. Learn more about managing individual invoices, including how to print, download a PDF or share an invoice link.

Can I customize the design of my invoice?

Currently, you can only customize the info and logo on your invoices. However, you can vote for this feature.

Can I edit an invoice after I've sent it?

Yes, you can edit an invoice, as long as it hasn't been marked as Paid or Void.

  1. Go to Invoices in your site's dashboard.

  2. Click the More Actions iconnext to the relevant invoice.

  3. Click Edit.

Learn more about managing individual invoices.

Can I delete an invoice?

You can delete an invoice if it's in Sent, Draft or Void status. If you want to delete a Paid invoice, you must first change its status to Void.

  1. Go to Invoices in your site's dashboard.

  2. Click the More Actions iconnext to the relevant invoice.

  3. Click Delete.

Learn more about managing individual invoices.

I followed the steps above, but I was unable to create an invoice

Before you can create an invoice, it's important to check the following:

  • Confirm that your site's business info is up to date.

  • Check your invoice settings to make sure your invoices are being numbered correctly. If the number of your new invoice is one that has already been used for a previous invoice, it cannot be created. This includes any invoice that has previously been deleted.

  • Confirm that your site is set up to accept payments and that you've upgraded your site with a plan that allows this feature. If relevant, check that you're accepting recurring payments.

Customers are not receiving invoices I send

If a customer reports that they did not receive an invoice from you, try the following:

  • Ask your customer to check their email spam folder.

  • Have your customer whitelist both and your business email (if relevant).

  • Alternatively, send them the invoice link directly.

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