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Wix Forms FAQ

Wix Forms: Troubleshooting

If you (or your visitors) are experiencing issues with one of your forms, the information below can help you understand the possible cause and solution.

How do I know if I'm using old Wix Forms or new Wix Forms?

This article will help you understand the differences between old and new Wix Forms.

New Forms

Old Forms

Click the issue you are having below to learn how to resolve it:

I'm not receiving email notifications about form submissions

If you are experiencing an issue with receiving notifications to your inbox, whitelist the following:

  • Domains:, * and *
    Note: Remember to include the asterisk (*) when whitelisting the relevant domains. This will ensure that all the variants of the first part of the email address are whitelisted.

  • Email:

After whitelisting each of the addresses above, republish the site.

I can't enter information in my form on my live site

If your visitors are not able to enter information in the form on your live site, check:

  • There are no overlapping elements placed above the fields in your form in the editor.

  • That you haven't added any Velo by Wix elements to your form. Adding new fields should be done through Wix Form settings.

I'm getting spam submissions in my form

The new Wix Forms are integrated with spam filters. If you are receiving spam submissions, adjust your spam filter settings and select Advanced and reCAPTCHA.

I'm not receiving Wix Inbox notifications about my form

By default, when someone submits a form, an email is automatically sent to the site owner notifying them about the submission. To receive a notification in your Wix Inbox, set up an automation trigger using Wix Automations. You can choose Show in Inbox as an action.

Learn more about setting who gets notified about form submissions.


Still need help?

If the problem persists, contact us with the information below.

Information to add to your support ticket

  • The name or URL of your Wix site.

  • The name and version of the web browser you're using.

  • The name and version of your computer's operating system.

  • A screenshot of your console view using the steps below:Open an incognito window in Google Chrome (Ctrl + Shift + N).
    Sign in to Wix and try to open your editor.
    Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + J (on PC) or Cmd + Option + J (on Mac).
    Click the Console tab at the top of the panel and refresh the page (F5).
    Take a screenshot of this tab.

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