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Wix Forms FAQ

Wix Forms: Adding a File Upload Field

Collect information from visitors by adding a file upload field to your form. The upload file field supports videos, images, audio, documents and archive files. Ask visitors to upload their resume for a job application form, images for a consultation form, video explanations and more.

Read more about file formats and size limits

Formats supported for upload file field:

  • Video:.3gp,.avi,.divx,.flv,.m1v,.m2ts,.m4v,.mkv,.mov,.mp4,.mpe,.mpeg,.mpg,.mxf,.ogv,.vob.webm,.wmv,.xvid

  • Images: .bmp,.gif,.heic,.heif,.jfi,.jfif,.jpe,.jpeg,.jpg,.png,.tif,.tiff,.webp

  • Audio: .aac,.aif,.aiff,.flac,.m4a,.mp3,.wav,.wma


  • Archive: .zip,.rar,.tar,.gz,.gzip,.jar,.7z,.fgz and .webarchive

File size limits:

  • Video: 4GB (15 GB per video for Wix Videos)

  • Images: 25 MB and 15 MB for GIFs

  • Audio: 50MB (360 MB for Wix Music)

  • Documents: 1000 MB


The upload file field is a premium feature for site forms. Learn more about upgrading Wix Forms.

A screenshot of a Wix contact us form, with the Upload File button highlighted.

Adding a file upload field to a site form

For site forms, you can add an upload file field directly from your editor. This field is helpful, for example, if your site form asks visitors to upload images for a project quote or their resume for a job application.

How do I know if I'm using old Wix Forms or new Wix Forms?

This article will help you understand the differences between old and new Wix Forms.

New Forms

Old Forms

  1. Click the relevant form in your editor.

  2. Click Edit Form to open the form builder.

  3. Click Add   on the left side of the builder.

  4. Click General.

  5. Click File Upload and drag the form element onto the page.

  6. Click the newly added field on your form and click Settings.

A screenshot of the File Upload field in new Wix forms selected, with the settings button clicked.

  1. Choose from the following customization options:Field title: Give a short title that tells people what you are asking for in the field.
    Button text: Edit the text that appears on the upload button in the form e.g. 'Upload file'.

    Text below button:File info: Only the name of the file appears beneath the button after a visitor uploads a file.
    Custom text: Custom text appears beneath the button after a visitor uploads a file e.g. 'Add up to 5 files.'
    Accepted file types: Select the type of media people can upload (video, image, audio, document, archive). Learn more about supported file types and sizes.
    File upload limit: Choose the maximum number of files people can upload with a single form submission.
    Note: The current maximum upload limit is 30 uploads per single form submission.
    Required field: Enable the toggle to make the upload file field mandatory (visitors cannot submit the form without uploading a file).
    Field description: Enter text if your form needs additional explanation (e.g. terms and conditions or additional legal information)

screenshot of file upload field settings from within the form builder. archive file type is highlighted.


Accepting archive files is a feature available only in new Wix Forms.

Accessing uploaded files in the Media Manager

When visitors upload files to your forms, they are saved in Site Files in the Media Manager. Access the Media Manager straight from the form in the editor.

To access uploaded files in the Media Manager:

Wix Editor

Studio Editor

  1. Go to the editor.

  2. Click Media  on the left side of the editor.

  3. Click Show More under Site Files.

A screenshot of going to the Media Manager from the Wix Editor.

For site forms using old Wix Forms:

You can also access the Media Manager when editing the Upload File field. Click Edit Field, then View Uploaded Files.

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