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Previous Automation Builder

Wix Automations: Troubleshooting Wix Automations

This article refers to the previous automation builder. If you're not seeing this version, read our article about the new version of the automation builder.

If you're having trouble with Wix Automations, it could be an issue with the way your automations are set up. It could also be a local issue such as your internet connection. Follow the relevant troubleshooting steps below to find a resolution.

Automation is not triggering

Step 1 | Check the automation summary

View the statistics of an automation to see how many times it has been triggered, as well as the most recent activity.

  1. Go to Automations in your site's dashboard.

  2. Click the relevant automation and view statistics information in the panel on the right.

Step 2 | Check that the right trigger app and filter (session, event, form, etc.) was set

Each automation is linked to a specific app (for example, Wix Stores or Wix Bookings). You choose the app when you set your trigger.

  1. Go to Automations in your site's dashboard.

  2. Hover over the relevant automation and click the More Actions icon .

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Check the selected trigger, making any updates necessary.

  5. Click Save.

Step 3 | Check the timing

When setting up your automation, you selected when it should respond to the trigger (for example, immediately or after one day). If you notice that the automation doesn't run when expected, go back and check the timing.

  1. Go to Automations in your site's dashboard.

  2. Hover over the relevant automation and click the More Actions icon .

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Click the Timing drop-down. Check the timing under Choose a time to send this action and update if necessary.

  5. Click Save.

Step 4 | Check the frequency

Check if the automation was set to run once per contact.

If you've set your automation to Send once per contact, it only runs the first time your visitor (or you, if you're testing your automation) performs the action.

  1. Go to Automations in your site's dashboard.

  2. Hover over the relevant automation and click the More Actions icon .

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Click the Timing drop-down.

  5. In the Limit frequency to drop-down, check if Once per contact is selected. Update if necessary.

  6. Click Save.

Automations don't run retroactively:

An automation only runs for triggers that happen when the automation is active. Learn more about how to avoid missing trigger data and manually adding recipients to an email automation.

Automation is triggering, but automated email isn't sent

Step 1 | Check automation statistics

Check automation statistics to see if the email was sent.

You only see unique recipients in automations statistics. If an automation is triggered for the same contact on more than one occasion, it counts as only being sent once.

  1. Go to Automations in your site's dashboard.

  2. Scroll down to the Your automations section.

  3. Hover over the relevant email automation and click the More Actions icon .

  4. Click View email stats to view your email marketing statistics.

Step 2 | Check the spam folder

When you set up an automation to send an email to your contact, the email could end up in their spam folder. They (or you, if you're testing the automation) should go to their inbox and look for the email in that folder as well. Learn more about automations sent through Wix Email Marketing being marked as spam.

If checking the spam folder doesn't solve the issue, please whitelist the following emails:

Step 3 | Check that the recipient's email address is active

Check that the recipient's email address is active and that they've subscribed to your mailing list. If they have, you'll see a "SUBSCRIBED" label on their contact card.

If your automation sends an email to an inactive contact, the email will not go through.

Step 4 | Check that the recipient's email address is valid

Check that the recipient’s email address is valid. If it's not, the recipient won't receive an email (even if the automation was set up correctly).

Issues with Wix Forms

Step 1 | Check that the form was successfully submitted

You'll be able to see all submissions in your form's submissions table.

Step 2 | Check that the right trigger app is selected

Your trigger app should be Wix Forms, not Site Members or any other app.

Step 3 | Check that the right form is selected as part of your trigger

If you've set a specific form to trigger your automation (rather than any form), make sure you've selected the right form.

Step 4 | Make sure there is an email/phone field in your form

If your automation's trigger is Form submitted, the trigger is reliant on specific contact details to complete the action. If these contact details are missing, the action cannot be completed.

Form requirements for automations:

  • Action is Send an email: Form must include an email field.

  • Action is Move card in a workflow: Form must include an email field or phone field.

  • Action is Add a label: Form must include an email field or phone field.

Step 5 | Check that the email field is the correct form field type

Access the form in your Editor to manage its fields. Hover over your email field to make sure its title is Email Field.

Step 6 | Check that the email field is synced with an email field in your Contact List

The email field in your form needs to be synced to your Contact List. The field synced must be either Email or Email (Main). If it’s anything else, it won't work as an email field. After your visitor submits such a form, a contact is not created and an automated email cannot be sent.

Learn more about checking and editing form fields.

Step 7 | Check if you hold multiple emails addresses for one contact

Access your contact's contact card to see if you hold multiple email addresses for them. If a contact has multiple email addresses, usually automated emails are sent to an additional email rather than the contact's main/primary email.

Contacts you hold only one email address for are not affected.

If you're logged in and testing your form using multiple email addresses, your site will recognize that these are all from your login and will merge them under one contact. For this reason, the automation will not be delivering emails as you may expect.


  • Changing your automation timing resets actions that are "pending" for that automation. For example, John has set up an automation that reminds customers about abandoned carts after 3 hours. Mary abandoned her cart at 12pm. If John edits this automation at 2.30pm, changing the action timing to 2 hours, Mary will not be reminded (the point at which Mary's cart was abandoned for 2 hours has already passed).

  • You can test an automation by submitting a test form. Make sure you are logged out of your Wix account before submitting a form to test an automation. If you are logged in when submitting a form, your email address and the test email address will become merged under the same contact. When one contact has multiple email addresses, emails from automations are sent to the email address used when filling in the form.

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