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Services & events apps
Third-Party App: Nash: All-in-1 Local Delivery by Nash Technologies Inc
With the Nash: All-in-1 Local Delivery app, you can seamlessly connect your store to a global network of delivery providers—including Uber, Relay, and Roadie.
This app is only available in English.
In order to use this app, you need to add Wix Restaurant Orders to your site.
Features and benefits include:
Get all-in-one access to popular fleets like Uber, Relay, Roadie, and more.
Personalize tracking links and notifications to keep customers in the loop.
Provide hassle-free in-store pickup options for easy convenience.
Check out the Nash: All-in-1 Local Delivery app, by Nash Technologies Inc. to get started.
For questions and comments, contact Nash Technologies Inc. directly: